Q & A

- A file or files won’t download or download with an error warning or getting an error warning when trying to open/decript

- Always first try to download it again, because in many cases the problem is with your Internet connection, not with MEGA, although MEGA caused many problems in the past, but not anymore. If it persists, send the message to: robertne@gmail.com and the file(s) will be replaced most probably on the same day or as soon as I would check that the problem exists there.
PLEASE always first recheck and save us some time in replacing perfectly healthy links. Anyway, all kinds of real warning are very welcomed and of a great help in mantaining the site.
- You want to share a comment, make a suggestion or else, send the message to: robertne@gmail.com. I was forced to disable the comments at site, because there were too many personal messages to me and trade/spam messages, some even in languages unknown to me.
- Every message will be answered on the same day.